Factory Pattern


Within the standardized model context of a framework, we need to provide for the instantiation of is internal objects.


Define an interface for instantiation. Defer instantiation to subclasses when appropriate.

Related Patterns

  • Template Method (Factory is to object instantiation as Template Method is to algorithm implementation)
  • Abstract Factory
  • Prototype (creation through delegation, as Factory is creation through inheritance)


The added complexity of Factory object instantiation adds a great deal of customization to a design. Factory is unnecessary if the class of the created object never changes or if the initialization is easily overridden.


The Factory pattern draws its name from an actual factory - which is a great example of the Factory pattern. Base materials enter and final products leave. The type of final product created depends on the internal workings of the factory itself.


This is a simple example of a Factory Method in C++. Fubar::make_fubar() returns a proper new instance of the subtype that you select in the main loop.

class Fubar{
  static Fubar *make_fubar(int c);
  virtual void print_name();

int main(){
  vector fubars;
  int choice;
    cout << "Foo(1) Bar(2) or Quux(3)? Do(0) ";
    cin >> choice;
    if(!choice) break;
  for(int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) fubars[i]->print_name();
  for(int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) delete fubars[i];

class Foo: public Fubar{
  void print_name(){cout << "Foo" << endl;}
class Bar: public Fubar{
  void print_name(){cout << "Bar" << endl;}
class Quux: public Fubar{
  void print_name(){cout << "Quux" << endl;}

Fubar *Fubar::make_fubar(int c){
  if(c == 1) return new Foo;
  else if(c == 2) return new Bar;
  else return new Quux;