Interpreter Pattern
Certain problems occur often, in a well-defined and well-understood domain.
If the domain of these problems were characterized with a language, the problems could easily be solved with an interpretation engine. Map a problem's domain to a language, the language to a grammar, and the grammar to a hierarchical design.
Related Patterns
- Composite
- State
- Flyweight (to share terminal symbols)
This pattern suggests modeling the domain of a problem as a recursive grammar. Each rule can reference other rules or terminate (a leaf node in a tree structure). When a problem can easily be represented in this manner, the Interpreter pattern defines a useful solution.
Musical notation used by musicians is an example of a language and grammar to be interpreted by the Interpreter (the musicians themselves).
This code snippet is an interpreter for Roman Numerals. They are outputted as a decimal number.
var Context = function(input){ this.input = input; this.output = 0; } Context.prototype.startsWith = function(str){ return this.input.substr(0, str.length) === str; } var Expression = function(name, one, four, five, multiplier){ = name; = one; this.four = four; this.five = five; this.multiplier = multiplier; } Expression.prototype.interpret = function(context){ if(context.input.length == 0) return; else if(context.startsWith(this.nine)){ context.output += (9*this.multiplier); context.input = context.input.substr(2); } else if(context.input.startsWith(this.four)){ context.output += (4*this.multiplier); context.input = context.input.substr(2); } else if(context.input.startsWith(this.five)){ context.output += (5*this.multiplier); context.input = context.input.substr(1); } while(context.input.startsWith({ context.output += (1*this.multiplier); context.input = context.input.substr(1); } } function run(){ var roman = "MCMXXVIII"; var context = new Context(roman); var tree = []; tree.push(new Expression("thousand", "M", " ", " ", " ", 1000)); tree.push(new Expression("hundred", "C", "CD", "D", "CM", 100)); tree.push(new Expression("ten", "X", "XL", "L", "XC", 10)); tree.push(new Expression("one", "I", "IV", "V", "IX", 1)); for(var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) tree[i].interpret(context); console.log(roman + "=" + context.output); }